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The Practical AI Guide for Nontechnical Professionals

to Stay Relevant, Reduce Work & Increase Output—Contemporaneously;

Experience Never-Before-Possible Efficiencies; Be Invaluable to Clients, and

Represent Yourself on LinkedIn as Artificially Intelligent (w/ blockchain verification)

AI for Attorneys & Legal Professionals

AI for Attorneys & Legal Professionals

  • AI Quick Start Instructions
  • Hands-on Exercises
  • AI Explained Simply
  • Regular updates

Download our Guide

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List Your AI Knowledge on LinkedIn

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Early Adopters of AI Tools in the legal field should be able to have their expertise visible to their professional network.

Here is process to distinguish yourself as an “Artificially Intelligent Attorney:”

1) Download your copy of the Guide, AI for Attorneys and Legal Professionals.

2) Start using AI immediately with the “Quick Start Instructions.”

3) Complete 10 of the 20 featured Exercises and submit your work for validation.

4) Make your payment of $127.00 for an evaluation against the objective criteria (set forth here). Plus, stay informed with updates about new AI tools pertinent to the legal profession.

5) Update your LinkedIn profile with blockchain-verified credentials.

6) Set yourself apart as an “Artificially Intelligent Attorney.”


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Validation Criteria

Difficulties in Validation

Scoring well on a multiple-choice questionnaire or simply taking part in a training program, while beneficial in many respects, is not a comprehensive or incontrovertible demonstration of your proficiency in utilizing artificial intelligence tools in a dynamic and impactful manner.

To ensure fairness, we have established a grading criterion based on a checklist approach. Your submission must include a response to a minimum of 10 of the 20 Validation Exercises found in the Guide, AI for Attorneys and Legal Professionals, to be awarded Acknowledgement as an Artificially Intelligent Attorney.


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Answer any 10 of the 20 AI Verification Exercises in the Guide, AI for Attorneys and Legal Professionals.

Below are two examples of Exercises from which you can choose:

  1. Use ChatGPT to generate a Nondisclosure Agreement. Subsequently, input a command to transform the NDA into a poem. Next, instruct ChatGPT to make the poem of the NDA funny and rhyme.

2. Make ChatGPT your Prompt Engineer, leveraging the following prompt with a subject matter of your choice:

ChatGPT, I invite you to serve as my Prompt Engineer. Your task will be to assist me in formulating the most effective prompt suitable for my requirements. Here's how our process will unfold:

a. Initial Inquiry: Your first action should be to inquire about the subject matter of the prompt. After your inquiry, you will patiently await my response.

b. Two-Part Feedback: Your feedback will be structured in two parts.

Revised Prompt: You will restate the initial prompt in an improved format.

Pertinent Questions: In order to enhance the prompt, you will ask relevant questions to glean additional information from me.

c. Iterative Refinement: We will proceed through a series of refinements, with me providing more information based on your inquiries, and you fine-tuning the 'Revised Prompt'. We will continue this iterative process until I confirm we have achieved the desired outcome.

Do you comprehend the process?


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Format of Submission to get validated as an Artificially Intelligent Attorney

This distinct Acknowledgement has been specifically designed to demonstrate your ability to effectively utilize AI tools. Unlike typical examinations that rely heavily on multiple-choice exams for assessment, this Acknowledgement certification places a premium on testing your ability to apply AI tools in real-world, law-related scenarios. This practical focus gives this Acknowledgement a higher level of credibility and relevance.

To submit your work, follow the steps below:​

Using the button below, submit your answers for any 10 of the 20 AI Validation Exercises contained within the Guide, AI for Attorneys and Legal Professionals.

  • Submit the final product of your work in either PDF or Microsoft Word format and make your payment.
  • You can submit answers collectively as part of one document, or you may submit separate documents for each answer (if submitted separately, please clearly identify the corresponding question Number in the name of your file, for our easy reference).
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About the Author

Robert DeV. Bunn, B.A., M.A., J.D.

I am Robert Bunn, a former prosecutor and the General Counsel for a private equity firm. Engrossed in the evolving world of artificial intelligence, I created this AI for Attorneys & Legal Professionals.

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Artificially Intelligent Law—We Distil Complex Information™


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Use the below link or scan the QR code to download the Lease Agreement for use with relevant AI Verification Questions: